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Meet Dr Teagan Morrissy, Chiropractor

dr teaganChiropractic care has long been part of Dr Teagan’s health and wellness regimen. In fact, she has been seeing a chiropractor since she was 3 days old and has always received wellness chiropractic care.

Education and Professional Development

In 2023, Dr Teagan earned a Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Science from Murdoch University. She regularly takes professional development courses to stay abreast of the latest in the field. She’s completed courses in paediatrics and pregnancy and uses techniques including Diversified, Gonstead, Thompson, and the Activator Method.

Finding Fulfillment Helping Others

I have always had a passion for helping people and love seeing how chiropractic may help others through both adjusting and educating. Dr Teagan

For Dr Teagan, the most fulfilling aspect of being a chiropractor is witnessing patients’ journeys by helping them reach their goals and sharing her passion for chiropractic while also seeing smiles on people’s faces.

In Her Spare Time

When she’s not caring for patients’ spines, Dr Teagan enjoys taking beach walks, camping, playing netball and spending time with family and friends.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact Origin Family Chiropractic today to book an appointment with Dr Teagan!

Dr Teagan Morrissy | (08) 9534 3600